Zhengyang Zhou @ DiLab, USTC


周正阳 特任副研究员
Dr. Zhengyang Zhou

PhD, Data Intelligence Lab (DILab)
School of Software Enginnering, USTC
Suzhou Institute for Advanced Research, USTC
University of Science and Technology of China, Suzhou 215123, China

Supervisor: Vice Dean of SSE, USTC, Associate Professor Yang Wang



I received my B.Sc. degree in School of IoT Engineering in June 2018 from Jiangnan University, and received my PhD. degree in June 2023 from School of Computer Science and Technology, University of Science and Technology of China (USTC), under the supervision of Professor Yang Wang. Now, I am an Associate Researcher at Suzhou Institute for Advanced Research/School of Software Engineering, USTC.

My research interests include but not limited to spatiotemporal data mining and urban computing, generalization on graph data learning and spatiotemporal graph learning. We are devoting into promotion on the accuracy, reliability and generalization of spatiotemporal learning models, energizing urban intelligence on diverse domains such as traffic prediction, urban safety and pollution management, thus improving scientific and modern urban governance. Our research results have been published on 30+ top conferences, e.g., KDD, NeurIPS, ICLR, WWW, AAAI, and top journals (transactions) e.g., IEEE TKDE, IEEE TMC, 电子学报, etc. Till now, he has served as a Reviewer for Top conferences including NeurIPS, ICML, ICLR, KDD, CVPR as well as transactions like TKDE.

Now, he has more than 600 citations on google scholar with one 100-citation paper of AAAI 2020. Zhou Zhengyang has been awarded the President's Award of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, nominated for the ACM SIGSPATIAL China Branch Excellent Doctoral Dissertation Award, nominated for the Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation of the University of Science and Technology of China, National Scholarship and other honorary awards. In addition, as the host, he also undertook the "Zhijiang International Young Talent Fund" of Zhijiang Laboratory, the 2023 Open Fund of the State Key Laboratory of Resources and Environmental Information System, and the Youth Innovation Fund of the Software School.

Chinese version of Biography



近五年来,周正阳博士共发表高水平学术论文30余篇,其中包括第一/通讯作者CCF A类会议/期刊(NeurIPS、KDD、AAAI、WWW、TMC、TKDE)、高水平IEEE汇刊及机器学习领域顶级会议ICLR、中文CCF A类期刊(电子学报)等A类成果十余篇。 截止目前,周正阳博士已作为审稿人服务于包括CVPR、AAAI、ICCV、ICML、KDD等在内的CCF A类会议10余次,其谷歌学术引用600+,H-index=15,谷歌学术百引论文一篇。 周正阳获中国科学院院长奖、ACM SIGSPATIAL中国分会优博奖提名、中国科大优秀博士学位论文提名、国家奖学金等荣誉奖励。 此外,他还作为主持人承担了之江实验室“之江国际青年人才基金”、资源与环境信息系统国家重点实验室2023年度开放基金、软件学院青年创新基金等重点实验室及院级基金课题。

Exciting News

[2024.09] One paper on spatiotemporal multi-task learning has been accepted as an oral presentation by NeurIPS 2024, Congrats to Zhongchao!

[2024.09] One paper on environment prompt for ST learning has been accepted by NeurIPS 2024, Congrats to Kuo!

[2024.08] One paper on environment modeling for molecular learning has been accepted by BIBM 2024, Congrats to Limin!

[2024.03] One paper on time-series forecasting has been accepted by IJCAI 2024, Congrats to Qihe!

[2024.01] One paper on time-series forecasting has been accepted by AAAI 2024, Congrats to Qihe!

[2023.07] One paper on human mobility mining and forecasting has been accepted by IEEE TMC!

[2023.06] I will join School of Software Enginnering, USTC as the Associate Researcher in June 2023! Diverse cooperation from both academia and industria are welcome.

[2023.05] One paper on time-series forecasting has accepted by Top conference NeurIPS 2023!

[2023.05] Four papers are accepted by Top conference SIGKDD!


Research Interests

We focus on four aspects regarding both advanced deep learning techniques and human-centered computing.

  • Fundamental learning theory for spatiotemporal data forecasting (eg., data property discovery, new designs of GNNs, fairness in learning process)
  • Model generalization and parameter-efficient transfer, initialized general ST learning (e.g., cross-task model adaptation and transfer)
  • ST data-driven urban growing and evolution modeling (e.g., prediction on urban growing and layout planning)
  • Graph learning-driven molecular science (e.g., prediction on molecular interactions, molecular property prediction, and retrosynthesis)
  • Chinese version of Research Interests


    方向1-预测理论.png 方向2-跨域迁移.png 方向3-城市增长建模.png 方向4-图学习驱动的智能科学家.png

    Publications (* indicates the (joint) corresponding author.)

    Journal Articles

    Conference Papers

    Preprint Papers

    Slides of Invited Talks

    第五届空间数据智能学术会议SpatialDI 2024:时空数据建模与预测方法:从异质性到泛化性






    Materials/Tutoriols for learning spatiotemporal data mining




    Projects Undergoing

    Teaching/Academic Services

    2024 软件学院专业课《时空计算方法》,2024.04-2024.06,主讲人

    2023 软件学院基础课《人工智能》,2023.09-2023.11,主讲人

    2024 Review invitation from KDD 2024/Web conference 2024/CVPR 2024/NeurIPS 2024/ICLR 2024/AAAI 2024/IJCAI 2024/ECML-PKDD 2024 (PC member, Reviewer)

    2023 Review invitation from NeurIPS/ECAI/ECML/KDD 2023 /CVPR 2023/ICCV 2023 (PC member, Reviewer)

    2022 Review invitation from CVPR 2022 /ECCV 2022/ICML 2022 (PC member, Reviewer)

    2021 Review invitation from ICCV 2021 (PC member, Reviewer)

    2021 Review invitation from CVPR 2021 (Reviewer)

    2021 Serve as a PC member for AAAI 2021 (Reviewer)

    2020 Serve as a TA for Algorithm Design and Analysis (Autumn 2021) , School of Computer Science and Technology, USTC

    2020 Serve as a TA for Advanced Algorithm (Spring 2020) , School of Software Engineering, USTC

    2020 IEEE Member

    2019, 2020 AAAI Member


    2023 Excellent Doctoral Dissertation of ACM SIGSPATIAL CHINA, Nomination Award(ACM SIGSPATIAL中国分会优博奖 (提名))

    2023 Excellent Doctoral Dissertation of USTC, Nomination Award(中国科学技术大学优秀博士学位论文(提名))

    2023 Chinese Academy of Sciences President's Award - Excellence Award(中国科学院院长奖-优秀奖)

    2022 USTC-GuoRui Scholarship(中国科大-国睿奖学金)

    2021 Special Award of USTC-GUSU Lab Scholarship(中国科大-姑苏实验室姑苏奖学金特别奖)

    2021 Outstanding Volunteer Award of USTC Summer Camp(中国科大夏令营优秀志愿者)

    2021 Outstanding Volunteer Award of Suzhou Institute for Advanced Research, USTC (苏州高等研究院优秀志愿者)

    2021 First Prize, Yihaijiali Academic Forum for Graduate Students, Jiangnan University (江南大学益海嘉里杯研究生学术论坛一等奖)

    2021 Outstanding Achievement Award of Graduate Academic Forum, USTC (研究生学术论坛优秀成果奖)

    2020 Scholarship of Suzhou Industry Park, USTC (2020 苏州工业园区奖学金)

    2020 National scholarship for Postgraduates, USTC (2020 研究生国家奖学金-计算机科学与技术学院)

    2020, 2019, 2018 First-class Scholarship for Outstanding Students, USTC (2018,2019,2020 研究生一等学业奖学金)

    2018 Outstanding Communicator in 60th Anniversary of USTC, USTC (中国科大60周年校庆 优秀传播奖)

    2018 Outstanding Undergraduate Student, Jiangnan University (江南大学2018届优秀本科毕业生)

    2016 Merit Student of Wuxi City, Jiangnan University (无锡市三好学生)

    2015 Merit Student of Jiangnan University, Jiangnan University (江南大学三好学生)

    Competition Experience

    2019 Third Place, National Post-Graduate Mathematical Contest in Modeling, USTC (华为杯研究生数学建模 全国三等奖)

    2016 Third Place, China Undergraduate Mathematical Contest in Modeling, JNU (高教社杯大学生数学建模 江苏省三等奖)


    Email: zzy0929@ustc.edu.cn

    Laboratory: Office 216, Sixian Building, West Campus, Suzhou Institute for Advanced Research, USTC

    Address1: RenAi Road, Suzhou Industrial Park, Suzhou, Jiangsu, 215123, China
    (江苏省苏州市苏州工业园区若水路99号, 中国科学技术大学苏州高等研究院若水路校区至德楼1402-2, 215123.)

    Address2: West Campus of USTC, 443 Huangshan Road, Hefei 230027, Anhui, China
    (安徽省合肥市蜀山区黄山路443号, 中国科学技术大学科技楼西楼1417, 230027.)

    Photos and Life

    Brief Introduction to data intelligence research center


    其中城市时空计算以人为中心,推动城市传感、人类出行与经济活动的信息交互耦合,挖掘人-社会-自然交互影响,形成”数据挖掘-模型预测-智能决策优化“的城市治理闭环,以自适应时空关联融合与挖掘技术实现城市治理现代化、科学化、精细化,保障城市可持续发展。 微观分子科学挖掘研发新型图神经网络、蒙特卡洛搜索等技术,配合化学结构编码设计等交叉学科技术重点突破有机物分子性质预测、有机分子合成与逆向合成等科学问题,为智能化学家提供大脑支撑。 科学仪器及装备研制从大科学仪器谱图分析、半导体材料制造、航空航天领域装备装配等卡脖子技术的现实场景出发,通过融合建模时空状态数据与工艺信息,预测实现异常检测、预测,进而实现制备过程质量补偿与管控,最终形成智能化生产制备工艺闭环过程。


    Job Opportunity and New student Application

    **中科大数据智能团队诚招博士后,特任副研究员若干名,研究方向包括时空数据挖掘、AI-Chemistry和面向先进科学仪器的谱图数据分析研究 **




    联系邮箱: angyan@ustc.edu.cn     zzy0929@ustc.edu.cn

    Related Links

  • Prof. Yang Wang (USTC)
  • Prof. Guang Wang (FSU)
  • Dr. Pengkun Wang (USTC)
  • Dr. Xu Wang (USTC)
  • Dr. Yudong Zhang (USTC)

  • Page updated on 2024.9.15.